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LBS Financial Services Firm

Your concerns matter to us

The importance of financial planning

Taking the time... We work, we rush, we tighten our belts, all to ensure a better retirement or to achieve our objectives. But do we really take the time to get a closer look and understand how to reach our goals?

At LBS Financial Services Firm, a financial planning team is in place to accompany you in this important process because your concerns matter to us!

LBS Financial Services Firm offers a high-end personal and integrated financial planning service. All files entrusted to the firm are processed by a team with several years of expertise in the various financial planning fields.

Our mission

Support our clients in the growth and protection of their corporate, personal and family patrimony.

Our commitment

In order to fulfill this mission, we make a commitment to all our clients to :

  • Obtain all relevant information
  • Help identify their objectives
  • Conduct a detailed analysis of their current situation
  • Make the best possible recommendations objectively
  • Assist them in implementing the chosen strategies
  • Follow up their file regularly
  • Call on specialists when the situation requires

Schedule a meeting with a member of our team and examine every aspect of financial planning.

For more information on our services, please contact your advisor or our specialist:

In Montreal (514) 350-2877
In Quebec (418) 577-2086
Elsewhere in Canada 1-877-577-2070